The event was held with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Project No. 17-01-20285 G, and partial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (the basic part of the state task 1.6958.2017/8.9).
- Preface 1-2
- R. V. Zhalnin, E. E. Peskova, V. F. Tishkin
The WENO high-order accuracy algorithm for modeling combustion of an oxygen-hydrogen mixture 3-9- M. V. Shamolin
Integrable systems with dissipation on the tangent bundle of two-dimensional manyfold 10-21- A. S. Ismagilova, Z. A. Khamidullina, S. I. Spivak
Software development for compose of rate equations by basic walk 22-25- P. A. Velmisov, P. A. Shamanaev, O. S. Yazovtseva
Investigation of stability of a solution of mathematical model of a pipeline dynamics 26-31- A. S. Ismagilova, S. I. Spivak
Development mathematical support and software for chemical processes simulation 32-40- S. I. Spivak, G. K. Khisametdinova
Mathematical model of medical insurance 41-44- S. Z. Dzhamalov
The nonlocal boundary value problem with constant coefficients for the mixed type of equation of the second kind the second order in a rectangle 45-54- A. Snegurenko, V. Kostin, S. Novikova
The method for determining the elastic-plastic characteristics of a thin-walled aircraft construction by a known deformation for a differential model of a stress-strain state 55-66- S. V. Novikova, Y. A. Tunakova, V. S. Valiev, G. N. Gabdrahmanova
The Cauchy problem in partial derivatives, as a mathematical model for determining threshold concentrations of metal cations in surface waters for drinking water supply 67-74- S. S. Mamonov, A. O. Kharlamova
Analysis of the scenario of limit cycle bifurcations phase system of differential equations 75-79- N. V. Isaenkova, E. V. Zhuzhoma
A necessary condition for conjugacy of diffeomorphisms of Smale-Vietoris 80-83- R. M. Mavlyaviyev, I. B. Garipov
Normalizing factor of the Laplace-Beltrami’s equation fundamental solution 84-89- M. A. Sultanov
On the convergence of the solution of a three-layer perturbed difference scheme to the solution of an abstract ill-posed Cauchy problem 90-96- E. B. Kuznetsov, S. S. Leonov, A. N. Vasilyev
Algorithm of neural network method for creep model prameter identification problem 97-100- E. Y. Belova
Mathematical formulation of a thermoelasticity problem for a biotechnical system "tibia bone–TRKh plate–screws" 101-104- V. L. Litvinov, V. N. Anisimov, I. V. Korpen, S. N. Kosinova
Transverse vibrations of a viscoelastic rope of variable length lying on an elastic base 105-114- F. V. Lubyshev, M. E. Fairuzov, A. R. Manapova
An accuracy of difference schemes for nonlinear elliptic equations with unbounded nonlinearity 115-118- S. V. Novikova, A. P. Snegurenko
Inverse problem solution for the dynamic stochastic system by the example of a aircraft gas turbine engine control 119-130- V. N. Petrov, V. I. Anfinogentov, S. L. Malyshev, L. A. Akhmetzyanova, S. V. Petrov
Mathematical modeling of gas-liquid mixture flow 131-140- A. F. Pranevich
First integrals of reducible completely solvable systems of equations in total differentials 141-152- E. I. Azizbayov, Y. T. Mehraliyev
A time nonlocal inverse boundary-value problem for a second-order hyperbolic equation with integral conditions 153-161- I. N. Sidorov, A. V. Gorelov, L. P. Shabalin
Theoretical-experimental method for determining physical and mechanical parameters of viscoelastic material of composite torsion of helicopter main rotor 162-169- E. S. Baranovskii
Analytical solutions to the FENE-P model with slip boundary conditions 170-176- D. A. Tarkhov, P. I. Vasilyev, D. A. Semenova, I. A. Shishkina
A refinement of the equation for the deflection of a circular membrane based on variable coefficients in the qualified Euler method 177-180- I. U. Zulkarnay
Dynamic model of reforestation works 181-184- G. R. Islakaeva, I. U. Zulkarnay
The Lorentz system in the study of logging processes 185-190- Z. Yakupov, R. Galimova
Processing of the results of technological experiments by the method of grids using various modifications of the vapor discharge 191-197- A. S. Safoshkin, A. B. Dubois, K. V. Bukhensky, S. I. Kucheryavyy, G. S. Lukyanova, D. A. Zenkov, D. S. Kryuchkov
Joint solution of the Schrödinger, Poisson and Boltzmann differential equations in a semiconductor heterostructure 198-204- D. A. Tarkhov, T. A. Shemyakina, A. R. Belyaewa, T. T. Kaverzneva, I. U. Zulkarnay
Reconstruction of the initial profile of the shock wave by Neural Network method 205-209- D. V. Ivanov, A. V. Ivanov, I. L. Sandler, N. V. Chertykovtseva
Identification of the heating model plastic injection molding machines 210-218- Y. F. Nurgalieva, Y. K. Sabitova
Solving the non-local boundary value problem for Laplace equations 219-223- A. S. Safoshkin, A. B. Dubois, K. V. Bukhensky, S. I. Kucheryavyy, G. S. Lukyanova, A. A. Strelnikov, A. S. Lachugin
Peculiarities of solving the integridifferential Maxwell equations and excitation of the surface polariton on the planar structure 224-231- Y. O. Bobreneva, A. Y. Davletbaev, I. M. Gubaydullin
Research of fluid flow processes in the reservoir with dual porosity 232-235- M. A. Artemov, E. S. Baranovskii, I. I. Pereyaslavskaya
Mathematical modeling of the process of thermoplastic deformation of a thin circular disk 236-247- A. S. Andreev, E. A. Kudashova
On Stability of Nonlinear Nonstationary Discrete Volterra Type Systems 248-254- I. N., G. A. Kurnosov
Modelling of temperature fields by functioning of gaseous-discharge lamps with cylindrical electrodes 255-266- Y. N. Deryugin, E. Y. Kireicheva, T. F. Mamedova, A. V. Pukhkoy
Numerical investigation of the bifurcation diagram and invariant domains of logistic mapping in the complex plane 267-272- A. A. Sushchenko, P. A. Vornovskikh
Determination of the scattering coefficient in the problem of the remote sensing 273-283- I. V. Zakharova
On finite-element approximation of functions in a plain domain with curvilinear boundary 284-292- A. F. Mullayanova, Y. Y. Mayakova, K. F. Koledina, I. M. Gubaidullin
A mathematical model of the reaction of methylation of primary amines with dimethylcarbonate in the form of differential equations taking into account the active surface of the catalyst 293-296- A. S. Andreev, D. S. Makarov
On the control problem for three-link manipulator 297-304- S. N. Koledin, K. F. Koledina, I. M. Gubaydullin
Economic optimization based on the kinetic model of the reaction of dimethylcarbonate with alcohols in the presence of octacarbonyldicobalt 305-310- A. N. Tynda, D. N. Sidorov, I. R. Muftahov
Numerical methods for integral dynamic models with nonlinear delays 311-317- T. A. Gorshunova
The application of the comparison principle to the study of the properties of solutions of the Rayleigh differential equation 318-321- A. O. Syromyasov, T. V. Menshakova
On analytical methods of heat conduction modelling in the system “well + rock bed” 322-329- V. M. Zhuravlev, V. M. Morozov
On many-valued solutions of two-dimensional linear parabolic equations 330-340- I. V. Grigoryev, S. A. Mustafina
Investigation of the copolymerization of alphamethylstyrene with maleic anhydride by mathematical modeling methods 341-347- I. M. Utyashev
The determination of the potential q (x) in terms of natural frequencies of oscillations 348-352- E. V. Afinogentova
The stability of solutions for a non-linear system of finite-difference equations with respect to part of the variables 353-359- A. A. Kosov, M. V. Kozlov
On the stability of singular homogeneous systems 360-363- A. O. Kazakov, A. D. Kozlov, A. G. Korotkov
On homoclinic attractors in three-dimension systems with constant divergency 364-369- V. Z. Grines, E. D. Kurenkov
On attractors and repellers of codimension one 370-374- O. V. Druzhinina, A. V. Shchennikov, E. V. Shchennikova, V. N. Shchennikov
Connective estimates of errors in the linearization of nonlinear systems 375-380- P. A. Velmisov, A. V. Gladun
On control of dynamic of a pipeline in the case of its dynamic instability 381-390- V. G., T. F. Mamedova, O. E. Kaledin
Mathematical modeling and assessment of nonlinear dynamics of the state of basic production assets of AIC 391-397- V. Grines, E. Gurevich, O. Pochinka, A. Shilovskaya
On the growth of the number of non-compact heteroclinic curves 398-402- N. I. Zhukova
On the classification of complete affine foliations respectively the strong transversal equivalence 403-407- E. V. Nozdrinova, O. V. Pochinka
Periodic data of polar 2-diffeomorphisms with one saddle orbit 408-417- V. E. Kruglov, O. V. Pochinka
Realisation of an directed equipped bipartite graph by an Omega-stable flow on a closed surface 418-427- I. V. Boikov, J. Zakharova, A. Dmitrieva
On a generalization of the basic model of immunology 428-441- V. I.
On the partial stabilization of linear systems 442-445- I. Boikov, A. Boikova
Approximate solution of some types of hypersingular integral equations 446-461- A. R. Shagidullin, J. A. Tunakova, R. R. Shagidullin
Aspects of the practical application of standard method of calculation of atmospheric dispersion for estimation the ground level concentrations in the city 462-469- P. A. Velmisov, U. J. Mizher, E. P. Semenova
Investigation of jet flows by the small parameter method 470-475- P. A. Velmisov, I. A. Degtyarev, O. S. Yazovtseva
On the stability of pipeline oscillations 476-482- N. N. Morozkin
Temperature distribution over the reservoir during viscoplastic oil filtration 483-490- S. M. Muryumin, O. S. Yazovtseva
Asymptotic equivalence of difference schemes for solving Cauchy problem 491-497- V. V. Provotorov
The Riccati-type equation in the optimal control synthesis problem for a differential system with distributed parameters on the graph 498-510- P. A. Shamanaev
On some generalizations of Jordan sets of linear operator-functions depending on two small parameters 511-516
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University", Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Russian Academy of Sciences) and Interregional Public Organization "Middle Volga Mathematical Society"; will conduct XIII international scientific conference "Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling" from 12 to 16 July 2017.
Chairman of the organizing committee:
S. M. Vdovin, rector, National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia).
Chairman of the program committee:
V. F. Tishkin, corresponding member of RAS, deputy director, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (Moscow, Russia).
Academic secretary:
P. А. Shamanaev, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Docent of Applied Mathematics, Differential Equations and Theoretical Mechanics Chair, National Research Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia).
Program Committee:
academician of RAS, E.I. Moiseev, Moscow, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, A.S. Andreev, Ulyanovsk, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, I.V. Boykov, Penza, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, P.A. Velmisov, Ulyanovsk, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, V.K. Gorbunov, Ulyanovsk, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, V.Z. Grines, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, Yu.N. Derugin, Sarov, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, A.P. Zhabko, Saint Petersburg, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, A.M. Kamachkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, E.B. Kuznetsov, Moscow, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, B.V. Loginov, Ulyanovsk, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, S.I. Martynov, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, N.D. Morozkin, Ufa, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, O.V. Pochinka, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, I.P. Ryazantseva, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia,
D. Sc. in Tech., full professor, P.V. Senin, Saransk, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, S.I. Spivak, Ufa, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, M.T. Terehin, Ryazan, Russia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor,
academician of AS RUzb, Sh.A. Alimov, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor L.I. Karandzhulov, Sofia, Bulgaria,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., P.P. Matus, Lublin, Poland,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, academician of AS RUzb, M.S. Salahitdinov, Tashkent, Uzbekistan,
PhD in Mathematics, K.S. Prodanova, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Dr. rer. nat., HDR, K. Pankrashkin, Orsay, France,
PhD in Mathematics, professor D. V. Turaev, London, United Kingdom,
D. Sc. in Phys. and Math., full professor, A.A. Glutsyuk, Lyon, France.
Organizing Committee:
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, I.I. Chuchaev, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, L.A. Sukharev, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, R.V. Zhalnin, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, T.F. Mamedova, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, S.M. Murumin, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, D.I. Boyarkin, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, A.Yu. Pavlov, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, D.K. Egorova, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, A.N. Tynda, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, E.V. Desyaev, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., Associate Professor, A.O. Syromyasov, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., senior lecturer T.E. Badokina, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., researcher M.N. Bardina, Saransk, Russia,
PhD in Phys. and Math., lecturer, V.F. Masyagin, Saransk, Russia,
lecturer, E.E. Peskova, Saransk, Russia,
lecturer, E.N. Panushkina, Saransk, Russia,
lecturer, M.S. Kozlov, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, O.S. Yazovceva, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, F.V. Zhdanov, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, A.E. Kaledin, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, A.A. Kuzub, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, A.S. Mavrin, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, A.V. Puhkoy, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, D.S. Rozhaev, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, D.S. Sidorenko, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, M.S. Chelyshov, Saransk, Russia,
postgraduate, V.G. Shabanova, Saransk, Russia,
programmer, V.A. Atryahin, Saransk, Russia,
programmer, P.A. Larkin, Saransk, Russia.
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