
Normalizing factor of the Laplace-Beltrami’s equation fundamental solution

TitleNormalizing factor of the Laplace-Beltrami’s equation fundamental solution
AuthorsR. M. Mavlyaviyev1, I. B. Garipov1
1Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
AnnotationFor the fundamental solution of the axisymmetric equation сalculations for finding the normalizing factor are given.
Keywordsfundamental solution, Bessel operator, hypergeometric Gauss function, normalizing factor
CitationMavlyaviyev R. M., Garipov I. B. ''Normalizing factor of the Laplace-Beltrami’s equation fundamental solution '' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XIII International scientific conference ''Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling''. (Saransk, July 12-16, 2017). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2017. - pp. 84-89. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/deamm2017/papers/paper12.pdf. - Date of access: 07.03.2025.