
Investigation of jet flows by the small parameter method

TitleInvestigation of jet flows by the small parameter method
AuthorsP. A. Velmisov1, U. J. Mizher1, E. P. Semenova1
1Ulyanovsk State Technical University
AnnotationAsymptotic expansions are constructed and asymptotic local Obtained for axisymmetric flows of a viscous incompressible gas with a weak twist W, which differ from the analogous boundary-layer equations for flows with The final twist. Based on the solutions of these equations, "internal" flows are Constructed in the center of free weakly twisted jets. A comparison is made with the Results for jets with a finite twist.
Keywordsaerohydrodynamics, stream, viscosity, asymptotic expansion
CitationVelmisov P. A., Mizher U. J., Semenova E. P. ''Investigation of jet flows by the small parameter method'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XIII International scientific conference ''Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling''. (Saransk, July 12-16, 2017). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2017. - pp. 470-475. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/deamm2017/papers/paper64.pdf. - Date of access: 07.02.2025.