
Theoretical-experimental method for determining physical and mechanical parameters of viscoelastic material of composite torsion of helicopter main rotor

TitleTheoretical-experimental method for determining physical and mechanical parameters of viscoelastic material of composite torsion of helicopter main rotor
AuthorsI. N. Sidorov1, A. V. Gorelov1, L. P. Shabalin1
1Kazan National Research Technical University n.a. Tupolev
AnnotationA method which can be used to carry out the characterization of linear hereditarily-elastic material torsion elements subjected to the Boltzmann-Volterra superposition principle is proposed. The method is based: on the solution of mathematical model equations of the behavior of torsion under constant force loading applied to the end part using finite element software "ANSYS"; using of the experimental data of elastic compliance function parameters of torsion bar end; determining of "instantaneous" shear modulus of rubber layers providing experimental "instantaneous" displacement in the plane of the stroke.
Keywordscomposite torsion of the helicopter main rotor, hereditarily-elastic material of the torsion elements, creep function
CitationSidorov I. N., Gorelov A. V., Shabalin L. P. ''Theoretical-experimental method for determining physical and mechanical parameters of viscoelastic material of composite torsion of helicopter main rotor '' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XIII International scientific conference ''Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling''. (Saransk, July 12-16, 2017). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2017. - pp. 162-169. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/deamm2017/papers/paper22.pdf. - Date of access: 07.03.2025.