
Stochastic longitudinal oscillations viscoelastic rope with moving boundaries, taking into account damping forces

НазваниеStochastic longitudinal oscillations viscoelastic rope with moving boundaries, taking into account damping forces
АвторыLitvinov V. L.1, 2, Litvinova K. V.1, 2
1Samara State Technical University
2Moscow State University
АннотацияStochastic longitudinal oscillations of a viscoelastic rope with moving boundaries are considered, taking into account damping forces. The initial conditions and the external load are assumed to be random. To find the characteristics of random variables of stochastic oscillations, it is necessary to obtain statistical estimates for the solution of a system of random integro-differential equations. The statistical Monte Carlo method is used to estimate the expansion coefficients.
Ключевые словаmathematical model, vibrations of a rope, stochastic oscillations, moving boundaries
Образец ссылки на статьюLitvinov V. L., Litvinova K. V. Stochastic longitudinal oscillations viscoelastic rope with moving boundaries, taking into account damping forces [Электронный ресурс] // Математическое моделирование, численные методы и комплексы программ: X Международная научная молодежная школа-семинар имени Е.В. Воскресенского (Саранск, 14-18 июля 2022 г.). - С. 231-235. Режим доступа: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2022/papers/paper37.pdf. - Дата обращения: 02.01.2025.