
The estimates for solutions of difference analogues of systems of differential equations with variable coefficients

TitleThe estimates for solutions of difference analogues of systems of differential equations with variable coefficients
AuthorsE. V. Afinogentova1
1National Research Mordovia State University
Annotation The paper proposes a method for constructing error estimates of linearization of a nonlinear system of finite-difference equations with variable coefficients in the linear part. The method is based on a discrete analogue of the second Lyapunov method. The result can be applied to the study of stability of difference schemes for solving systems of differential equations.
Keywordsstability, linearization error, estimation, finite difference equations.
CitationAfinogentova E. V. ''The estimates for solutions of difference analogues of systems of differential equations with variable coefficients'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XIV International scientific conference ''Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling''. (Saransk, July 9-12, 2019). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2019. - pp. 110-115. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2019/papers/paper34.pdf. - Date of access: 07.03.2025.