
The Green's function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation in a ball

TitleThe Green's function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation in a ball
AuthorsV. V. Karachik1
1South Ural State University (NRU)
AnnotationThe paper gives an explicit representation of the Green's function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation in the unit ball.
KeywordsDirichlet problem, polyharmonic equation, Green's function
CitationKarachik V. V. ''The Green's function of the Dirichlet problem for the polyharmonic equation in a ball'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XVI International scientific conference "Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling". (Saransk, July 17-20, 2023). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2023. - pp. 83-89. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2023/papers/paper12.pdf. - Date of access: 07.03.2025.