
Imitational SI-model of epidemy spread in closed polulation

TitleImitational SI-model of epidemy spread in closed polulation
AuthorsA. O. Syromyasov1, V. E. Malkov1
1National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University
AnnotationThe article explores simpliest compartmental SI-model of epidemy, where all the individuals in a population are divided into two groups: susceptible (S) and infected (I) ones. Cellular automaton is built that allows to emulate discrete version of this model. Numerical experiments imitating disease propagation using the automaton are described in the paper. It is shown that the calculations corresponding to discrete and continuous versions of SI-model lead to almost the same results and that supposed experimental procedure allows to find parameters of continuous model quite accurately. Moreover, it is established that these parameters essentially depend on strategy of individuals movement in a closed area of population inhabitation.
KeywordsSI-model, mathematical modelling of epidemy, cellular automata, imitational modelling
CitationSyromyasov A. O., Malkov V. E. ''Imitational SI-model of epidemy spread in closed polulation'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the International Scientific Youth School-Seminar "Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software complexes" named after E.V. Voskresensky (Saransk, July 14-18, 2022). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2022. - pp. 185-192. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2022/papers/paper29.pdf. - Date of access: 27.10.2024.