
Lyapunov vector-functions in the stability problem of a non-autonomous system with a cylindrical phase space

TitleLyapunov vector-functions in the stability problem of a non-autonomous system with a cylindrical phase space
AuthorsJ. I. Buranov1, D. K. Khusanov2
1Academic lyceum of Taskent State Technical University named after I.Karimov
2Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute
CitationBuranov J. I., Khusanov D. K. ''Lyapunov vector-functions in the stability problem of a non-autonomous system with a cylindrical phase space'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XV International scientific conference "Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling". (Saransk, July 15-18, 2021). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2021. - pp. 35-38. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2021/papers/paper10.pdf. - Date of access: 25.01.2025.