
Investigation of the resonance phenomenon during the glass cylinder draw

TitleInvestigation of the resonance phenomenon during the glass cylinder draw
AuthorsT. S. Yurova1, I. Y. Popov1
1ITMO University
AnnotationThe paper considers the process of a glass cylinder draw and investigates the phenomenon of draw resonance — this is an instability that occurs during drawing and is characterized by oscillatory changes in the size of the cylinder shape. A linear stability analysis with various effects, such as gravity and local heating, was carried out, and the stability of the process was analyzed depending on the characteristic parameters of the problem. Also, a nonlinear stability analysis is numerically carried out and it is shown that when the process loses stability, stable oscillations occur in the system.
KeywordsDraw resonance, linear stability, draw ratio
CitationYurova T. S., Popov I. Y. ''Investigation of the resonance phenomenon during the glass cylinder draw'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XVI International scientific conference "Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling". (Saransk, July 17-20, 2023). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2023. - pp. 269-276. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2023/papers/paper44.pdf. - Date of access: 03.07.2024.