
Numerical simulation of selective laser melting by the SPH method

TitleNumerical simulation of selective laser melting by the SPH method
AuthorsK. V. Cherenkova1, A. N. Bykov1, M. N. Vishnyakova1, Y. N. Deryugin1, A. B. Emelyanov1, A. A. Lazarev1, S. N. Polishchuk1
AnnotationThe paper presents the development of a technique for numerical modeling of powder sintering based on the numerical SPH method. The relevance of the work is due to the need to describe the physical processes accompanying the method of producing parts from metal powder – selective laser melting. Calculations performed using the developed methodology showed good compliance with the experiment.
Keywordsnumerical modeling, SPH method, Navier-Stokes equations.
CitationCherenkova K. V., Bykov A. N., Vishnyakova M. N., Deryugin Y. N., Emelyanov A. B., Lazarev A. A., Polishchuk S. N. ''Numerical simulation of selective laser melting by the SPH method'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the International Scientific Youth School-Seminar "Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software complexes" named after E.V. Voskresensky (Saransk, July 14-18, 2022). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2022. - pp. 214-215. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2022/papers/paper33.pdf. - Date of access: 25.01.2025.