
Dynamics of coagulation of particles in a fluid

TitleDynamics of coagulation of particles in a fluid
AuthorsS. I. Martynov1
1Surgut State University
AnnotationThe article presents the results of numerical simulation of the dynamics of particle coagulation in a viscous liquid. The forces of pair interaction, determined from the potential energy of particles with one minimum, and the forces of hydrodynamic interaction were taken into account. The simulation was carried out using the developed software package for the numerical solution of hydrodynamic equations in the approximation of small Reynolds numbers and particle dynamics. The paper presents the results of numerical simulation of the dynamics of structures for two expressions of the potential energy of interaction.
Keywordshydrodynamic interaction of particles, potential energy, dynamics, coagulation.
CitationMartynov S. I. ''Dynamics of coagulation of particles in a fluid'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the International Scientific Youth School-Seminar "Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software complexes" named after E.V. Voskresensky (Saransk, July 14-18, 2022). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2022. - pp. 135-137. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2022/papers/paper22.pdf. - Date of access: 20.09.2024.