
Mathematical modeling of nonlinear vibrations of a rod of variable length

TitleMathematical modeling of nonlinear vibrations of a rod of variable length
AuthorsV. L. Litvinov1, K. V. Litvinova2
1Syzran’ Branch of Samara State Technical University
2Lomonosov Moscow State University
CitationLitvinov V. L., Litvinova K. V. ''Mathematical modeling of nonlinear vibrations of a rod of variable length'' [Electronic resource]. Proceedings of the XV International scientific conference "Differential equations and their applications in mathematical modeling". (Saransk, July 15-18, 2021). Saransk: SVMO Publ, 2021. - pp. 83-84. Available at: https://conf.svmo.ru/files/2021/papers/paper27.pdf. - Date of access: 07.03.2025.